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Is Google Fair?

Posted on March 7, 2022 by Fred Jensen

If you're the owner of a new website, trying to get a decent ranking from the mighty google, you will no doubt answer with a resounding, NO! Recent findings indicate that Google's algorithm has an ageing filter, which put in simple terms, makes it harder for a new webmaster to get high ranking in the SERP's, in the short term at least. So does this mean Google favours established sites over new ones?

Broad keywords seem nigh on impossible to find top 50 rankings for, and Google's first page seems to be an unattainable dream. Even for vague and untargeted keywords, its like you're banging your head against the proverbial brick wall, being ranked 26th out of 45. Ring any bells?

But before you give Google a verbal bashing, stop and think to yourself, why is Google there? What's its business all about? Who does Google try to please? If you think that it is webmasters, then think again! The search engine company is all about the searcher. The engine's whole method of thinking is targeted to what searchers want and seeking to give it to them, something that Google has been quite successful at doing. Chances are, you use Google yourself if searching the internet?

Follow it logically and the aging delay is a fantastic thing for the searcher, making it a fantastic thing for your engine. Searchers are usually searching for either current information, or a dependable supplier for the service or product they're interested in spending their hard earned cash on.

Weather webmasters like it or not, most individuals trust a company that's been trading for a long time period, over an organization which has just set up in business. It might be true that just because you're trading for 5 decades, doesn't make you any less inclined to go out of business, but most people perception follows that manner of thinking.

Through time, webmasters and the search engine optimization community have attempted to"cheat" the engine's ranking systems. As each technique was tried and tested, and used for the benefit of the select few who could afford the charges, the motors moved the goalposts. Long gone are the days when you can place a few key phrases in your meta-tags and know you are going to be on the first page for those keywords, which is a fantastic thing. In case you're using search engines for a couple of years, you will recall the days when no matter what you searched for, some porn website would be presented as a"relevant" search result.

So what can the owners of a brand new site do? To put it simply, nothing! Google says"behave as if we're not here." So continue to optimise your website, fill it with quality articles, ensure you have a fantastic internal and external linking arrangement in place, get the key word density right etc.. Odds are, as you wait for Google to determine you've been around long enough to go in the combination with the rest, you may enjoy high rankings on the other important engines. Get things right and as soon as you emerge from"Googles ageing delay pit of obscurity" you should be well positioned to rank highly on Google too. Unless they move the goalposts again that is.