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A Beginner's Guide

Posted on March 13, 2023 by Fred Jensen

Getting your website listed in the top search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, or MSN is no small job. There's lots of work that should be done to guarantee the highest placement possible, and even more work is needed to keep your ranking for any time period. Here are a few basic tips and strategies to keep your site listed, and listed well, without spending any extra cash on pay per clicks.

Linking and Links to Your Website

Getting links to your website is among the most important tasks you have when trying to correctly optimize your website for search engine listings, no matter which search engine you're trying to get recorded in. Having links to your website assures it will be seen by the spiders of the major search engines, and the more links coming to your website, the more pages from the site will be listed in any particular search engine. The more popular the website, the more exposure you get, both from the search engines and the overall browser. Connect trading, or exchanging links to other websites on your page for links to your own on their website, is an fantastic way to start in getting some links to your website. There are thousands of websites out there with automatic link exchange pages, where you just complete a form and put their link on a webpage of your website, and you get a link from theirs. It is easy to get 20 to 50 links every day from these pages, even though they are not as high quality as the others you may find.

Any site online using a"Links" or"Resources" page may be potential link exchange partner. Simply locate the websites that are related to yours, even in a general sense, and send them an email requesting a link exchange. Make certain to have a link to their site on your links page and give them a hyperlink to the particular page their connection is on. Additionally, it helps to get your links dispersed into groups, rather than having one long page with 1,000 links on it. This will make people more eager to exchange links with you because of it being a lot easier to find their website on your links page. Maintain a list of the websites you've emailed, and mark off which ones have or haven't replied and have or haven't put a link to your website. If after two weeks no connection is present, or the owner of another site hasn't replied, simply delete their list from the links directory and proceed. There are enough sites out there, regardless of what subject you relate to, that link exchanges aren't tricky to discover. These kinds of sites generally have a greater prevalence and higher quality traffic than the instant submissions, even though it does take a little more time to accumulate the number of links you require.

Another way to get links quickly is to join at one of the several link exchange sites like linkpartners.com. These can usually charge a small subscription fee, however you'll find a great deal of links in a relatively brief amount of time. Remember when dealing with these sort of sites to handle only links from your specific category, because it will help more in the long term. Also, be careful who you link to within your category. Try to stay with high-popularity sites that appear high in the rankings in your favorite search engine. Having quality over quantity with hyperlinks, as well as many other optimizations, is vital if you plan on being rated highly for any time period.

Additionally, try to maintain your links coming in. With a enormous burst in incoming links that completely expires another month, the search engines develop suspicious. Either try to distribute that burst out over the next few weeks, or maintain the incoming links at or above the amount you have last month. With this approach, the major search engines"see" that you're not just gaining in popularity quickly, but you're continuing to increase in popularity rather than dying out.


Content is another significant factor in how you'll be ranking in the major search engines. Having fresh, new content each month, or better, daily, will reveal that your website isn't stagnant. Additionally, it will keep your visitors content. Nobody will return if your website never changes... they'll proceed to one which is updated more frequently. A excellent way to do this is via goarticles.com or other article sites like it. You can copy an article to your website (leaving the article fully intact, of course... you do not need to violate any copyright laws) and have free, original articles, daily if you want. Again, it's ideal to use content that's directly related to your website, not just for the sake of your positions (although you may have original content, it won't be related, and therefore it'll be thrown out as"fluff" from the major search engines), but for the visitors also. Nobody wants advice on the latest video game when they see a flower shop online.

Ever-changing, original content is quite important to the search engines, as it shows your site is popular and growing. Despite one new article each day, you'll be surprised by the results. In case you've got enough time, you can even write your own content and articles and put them on your website. This content will be totally original, and no one else online will have a copy (or if they did, it is possible to track them down and exercise your right to copyright as a writer ). Not only are you able to get original content by writing your own articles, but you can post them on goarticles.com for free along with your title and a link to your website at the bottom. You supply content to the online community and they supply you links back to your site. A win-win situation either way you look at it.


Keywords are phrases in your meta tags which you want the search engines to list you pay particular attention to. Picking keywords can be tedious and difficult at times, but very good key words can make the difference between plenty of traffic or no traffic in any way. Look for sites on your favourite search engine that relate to your own and check what key words they've chosen. You can do it by going to View -> View Source on the menu bar. The key words will be marked with a tag. See which keywords they're using that you might choose to use also. Maintain a list of around 50 of the key words you think are the ideal match for your website and add them into your meta tag. As always, make certain these keywords directly relate to your website. This will enable your listings from the search engines, in addition to help browsers find the website they're actually searching for.


Provide descriptions on your meta tags for every one of your pages. Use descriptions to give an overview of what each specific page on your website is built for. Keep them clean and concise, and do not load them up with key words. By way of instance, for your primary page, use a description which comprises the slogan for your site and a brief outline of what your website is intended for. For SuperFaster.com you'd say something along the lines of"Online Marketing Information, Tips, and Techniques - We provide free articles on everything you will need to know about website marketing." With clear descriptions, the search engines won't consider a specific webpage a"duplicate list" because it has the exact same name as your other 30 pages, and it'll make it easier for browsers to get what they need.

Alt Tags

Alt tags are descriptions of images on your own site. These can be seen when you mouse over image, and can be observed by the spiders of the major search engines. Using a description of a picture makes it easier for a spider to understand what's actually on the website. If, perhaps, you have a tutorial on your website describing how to establish a hosting account, and this tutorial includes screen shots for individuals to follow directions easier, you'd want to create an alt tag for each screen shot. This will enable the spider to find that not only do you have a tutorial teaching your users how to create an account, but it includes screen shots rather than arbitrary pictures of your dog or loved ones.

Pictures which are a part of this template for your site do not necessarily need to have alt tags, because they are purely for visual effect. For graphic buttons it would be beneficial to have alt tags, to describe to the spider which these are hyperlinks to other elements of your website. Although these aren't really necessary , it never hurts to get tags describing where a button will take you once it's pressed.